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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Does Age Matter When It Comes To Realtionships?

People say that “age is just a number,” but is that really true? After reading a few manga regarding broken relationships due to age differences, I'm starting to think otherwise.

Of course age signifies more than just a number; it signifies one's maturity and one's experience. However, a 20 year old could be just as experienced as a 30 or 40 or even 60 year old. You might think otherwise, but you're forgetting about exceptions here. Not every 20 year old is immature and new to the outside world.

Still, this is not the main argument of society today. Most claims that having a different aged relationship is disrespectful, especially if its between a teacher and a student. But my question is, why? How is this disrespectful? Of course, if the student is only going after the teacher for grades, then yes. But that's the teacher's fault for accepting his or her student's advances. However, if the student is purely going after the teacher out of love, then isn't this something we should all accept? Who are we to decide who a person can love. Who are we to decide how a relationship should look to others.

The only problem I can think of in a different aged relationship is the children conceived as it's typically harder for women who passed their prime age to have kids. But even then, that can be resolved with adoption or by not having any children at all.

This is just a personal opinion of mine that developed after reading a few manga and online news stories about teacher-student dating. I never really understood why our society today don't favor large age differences in relationships. I think if you truly like someone, you should go for it, regardless of age.

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