Meet Search Box

Sometimes works overlap and you might not find them through the tags such as Anime & Manga, College, etc. So use the search box (above or to the right) for another way to find essays or videos or anything you are looking for!

More anime/manga posts and jokes here!

Or reach me on YouTube!

*YES! We reached 3 million views! May we make it to 4 million? :D

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Thank You So Much For Your Support!

I know I haven't been active lately on this blog but I really, really want to take the time and say thank you for all the support. I know this might sound cliche but you don't understand how much I appreciate the love and care I have on both this site and my Google+.
Thank you so much for 5k followers and 11+ million views.
Also, thank you so much for helping me reach 4 million views on this blog!
Happy reading!

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