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Monday, April 6, 2015

Free-writing A Poem: Learn To Fly

So I was free-writing and came up this poem. Feel free to use it for your own inspiration or as an idea for your homework!

Prompt: Write a poem about what you are thinking of now.


Learn To Fly

Flutter, and rise up;
Trembling legs, fearful eyes
Stare down the cliff and then
Back at their mother.
It was a rite of passage.
Older brothers and sisters,
Yelled from the back, impatient,
Awaiting their turn to be free.
Small steps, soft whimpers,
Fearful edge, disapproving stares,
They were all watching.
There was no choice.
She jumped, high,
And fell.
She flapped, twice, and
Saw the ground approaching.
She croaked and flapped once more.
It was working.
She rose up and steadied,
Shouting in delight as she passed over her family.
She swooped down and
Joined them again,
But stood at the back,
Casting disapproving stares,
At her brother who had
Taken up a fearful stance.

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