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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Non-life Changing Weight Loss Tips

It's that time of the year again—summer. And, of course, everyone wants to look good wearing shorts and t-shirts. So, in this post, I'm listing a few weight loss tips I use and love.

Tip 1: You are not dieting. You are eating healthy.
First, forget dieting. And definitely forget about supplements and/or surgery. I think the biggest problem is not what we eat but what we think we are eating. Dieting is thought as something that changes our lifestyles, triggering our brain to react negatively against it. So, instead, believe that you are just eating better, and that your lifestyle remains intact.

Tip 2: Drink more.
Drink water, not soda or other carbonated drinks. My biggest tip for a start is to drink two bottles (16.9 Fl. Oz) of water each morning before you eat breakfast. People often confuse thirst with hunger and so, they end up eating extra calories when a glass of water is really what they need. As time progresses, try to add in a bottle of water or soup before both lunch and dinner. The fluid will fill up your stomach and trigger you to eat less. The old adage to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper will also help manage your weight.

Tip 3: Don't binge at night.
Never ever, ever, ever eat at night or at least be choosy about what you eat. Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when a person finally sits down and relaxes. So, either close down the kitchen after a certain hour, or allow yourself a low-calorie snack, or better yet, drink some tea or chew on gum if you feel that you have to eat something.

Tip 4: Eat attractively—the social side of eating.
Not attractively in style, but in people. Studies show that a person generally lose his/her appetite, and eats less if any at all, when eating in front of a desirable/attractive man/woman. So, YES, go out on that date you were invited to. And say YES to that dinner cookout your partner so wanted you to go to. You'll not only have fun, but also focus less on eating.

Tip 5: Eat 10 meals a day.
Studies show that if a person ate periodic meals throughout the day, he/she feels more satisfied and happy. Although doctors recommend 4 to 5 meals per day, I personally believe in 10. The more small meals you have, the better. Because this way, you're tricking your brain to believe that you are always full, and therefore, eat less.

And lastly, don't push yourself. Adding these tips into your daily life one at a time is much better than cramming them all in at once. I know many hate exercising, and that's definitely OK too. (I mean, who wants to run 30 minutes or kick-box an hour every day? Not me, that's for sure!) But do try to at least throw in a walk here and there, perhaps after dinner. Now, of course, don't go outside when it's raining or hailing, but do go when it's sunny or even cloudy for that matter. A little walk could go a long way in both your health and your weight loss plan.

With these tips in mind, I wish you all the best of luck, and happy weight losing!

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