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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Obi & Shirayuki - Akagami No Shirayukihime (Author: Akizuki Sorata)

I had a feeling that this would happen, and it did. I FELL FOR THE SECOND CHARACTER AGAIN!

Why, why, why?! It's pretty obvious that Shirayuki will never end up with Obi since she likes Zen, who also is the main male protagonist. Though I won't say I'm completely hopeless (since the manga hasn't ended yet), I'm about 90% sure Shirayuki will eventually marry Zen and become a part of the royal family. It's not that I'm against this; Zen is a great character too! But I just somehow always have strong feelings for the guy who didn't get the girl and vice versa.

Oh, this chapter made me SO, SO sad. Obi NEVER connected well with anyone and after finally finding the one person who understands him, he realizes he doesn't have one bit of a chance with her. AND, for loyalty to Zen, Obi has to force himself to keep his feelings hidden.

And this hug too!

Well, anyway, I'm still pretty sure if this story goes with the flow, Shirayuki will end up with Zen. I'll probably make a fan-fiction of Obi & Shirayuki for those very few of us who pairs these two. xD

I hope Obi finds happiness, and I'm crossing my fingers that the mangaka (Akizuki Sorata) adds a twist into the story with more Obi & Shirayuki moments. (Or an alternative ending--one with Zen & Shirayuki and the other with Obi & Shirayuki--so all of us fans will be happy!)


  1. please let shirayuki end up with zen it would be romantic and all the momments they they had kisss etc. please let zen and shirayuki be together please

  2. I wish from the bottom of my soul that this would happen. Please!!!

  3. Another Obiyuki shipper here! I want Obi to win Shirayuki as well. She may have feelings for Zen at the start but feelings can change, and Obi has been right by her side through thick and thin, had many adventures. It's not an impossibility that her relationship with Obi is deepening and her heart, her compass, will move her more and more insistently toward him. I will go down with this ship.
