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Sunday, September 28, 2014

General Chemistry Tips: Finding Your Professor @ New York University (NYU)

Whether you're an incoming freshmen or a rising junior, and want to head into General Chemistry, face it: you'll not only have a lecture class, but also a recitation and a lab. And the big problem most students have is finding the best professors to teach them the basics of chemistry. So, are you confused on what the course is like? What professors to pick? Or what you should do with your college career? While I'll talk more about the pre-health, or in your terms, pre-med, track at NYU in future posts and videos, this is just a big picture of what you should expect (and my suggestions) for General Chemistry (usually the first class, paired with biology, you'll take on the pre-health track).

Unless you're in some kind of advanced chemistry class, your professor for your lecture is most likely John Halpin (since he's the only one at NYU teaching General Chemistry). Halpin is very fair and his lectures mostly capture the gist of the chapter you're on. Suggestion: Go to his office hours, and ask him for clarifications. One quick note: I'm referring General Chemistry to both General Chemistry I and II, which will be taken over a course of a year.

However, your recitation and lab are open for you to choose. Now before you hastily pick out your schedule, it's important to know the times and professors you pick are big impacts on you and your ability to improve. Don't take this the wrong way: I'm not saying there are "bad" professors; every professor has their own unique way of teaching. But it's up to you to find a professor who matches YOUR way of learning.

This leads to the common question almost every college student asks: Why a recitation and lab? That's three times the work! Sure, classes (usually) only has lectures. But for those of you who are relying on lectures to get you through, think about it: just how many students are on the pre-health track? This year (2014), we have over 600 students. That's right: over 600!! Our lectures are held in an auditorium, and there are literally students upon students before you. Meaning, unlike your ordinary class (sometimes small), Halpin cannot focus on you all (individually)! Which is exactly why you have a recitation and a lab. And here's the deal (and secret): Yoel Ohayon is the GUY you MUST choose for both recitation and lab.

But, if you're new, you might ask: why for both? Shouldn't I be trying new professors and obtain a variety of insights? And I have to say, yes, that's absolutely correct. On any other occasion, I would have to agree. But Yoel is your CHEMISTRY. He's a brilliant guy who has a humorous taste to make learning fun. He really, really wants you to improve and he really, really wants you to succeed. One thing for sure (and this is the first thing I noticed about him): He's very chill and playful, which can be extremely stress-relieving especially when you are bogged down by all the new chemistry concepts (which was the case for me since I had never taken AP Chemistry, and learned the bare minimum from regular chemistry in high school).

In fact, if you're registered for General Chemistry, and have a Facebook, you'll most likely get an invite from Yoel to join a Chemistry Facebook Group. This is where you can ask all kinds of questions ranging from homework, to quizzes, to jokes, to politics, etc. And it's also a great group to meet new people who are on the same track as you.

Is this from personal experience? Yes, and no. I didn't have Yoel for my lab OR recitation simply because, well, I wasn't fast enough. And if you don't have him, that's okay too. It's not the end of the world. Never EVER think that. Yoel has office hours and he is open to anyone who wants a good kick in the head of chemistry. Just let him know beforehand of the day you're planning to drop by!

Don't believe me? Ask anyone who has taken General Chemistry or is in General Chemistry at NYU. Check out RateMyProfessors. Or better yet, ask Yoel himself!

SO, my suggestion would be to go to Yoel! It's the decision of your future. (no dramatic pun intended)

Happy chemistry hunting!

Yes, that's the professor!


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