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Friday, August 22, 2014

My FAVORITE Anime Couples

Tamaki Suoh & Kyoya Ootori

Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha

Recently, I was asked to nominate my two favorite anime couples. And I have to say, it was pretty hard to choose. But I really find it awesome when a totally serious person ends up with a happy-go-lucky one. It's just so adorable that you just can't stop shipping them together. So, there you have it: Tamaki Suoh & Kyoya Ootori AND Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha.

Now tell me, aren't they just perfect together?

Got anime confessions? Or spoiler questions? MESSAGE ME. :)

Until then!

1 comment:

  1. Sawako and Kazehaya from Kimi ni Todoke are the cutest!
